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'Willy den Houden' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 122-154
most recent 16 JUN 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 JUN 20 by Michael Garhart
The orange is not a true orange. There is no visible pelargonidin present. The color is like that of some noisette tea lines bred into the reds of chinas and OGRs, which they referred to as vermillion at the time. It's not too different from 'Paul's Scarlet Climber' in color.

The prickles indicate its not purely from multiflora. The stems and prickles remind me of Trier's. The foliage looks between polyantha from multifloras and noisette/musk.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 14 JUN 20 by Patricia Routley
Which of of our standard colours would suit better? I’ve changed it from orange to orange-red.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 16 JUN 20 by Michael Garhart
Visually it's carmine red upon opening. When it ages, it's a light cherry red with a small white eye.

The opening buds have that poly-tea look, which is interesting. That sort of tiny tea bud, but with a cubic swirl to the immature outer petals.

I was expecting this rose would be like Orange Morsdag or similar, but that's not the case. Its in between the Mother's Day types (compact poly) and the Orange Triumph (lanky poly) types in terms of plant architecture.
Discussion id : 44-003
most recent 17 APR 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 17 APR 10 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
Received this cultivar as a gift from James Delahanty of Sherman Oaks, CA 4-15-10.
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