'Golden Chain' rose References
Website/Catalog (27 Dec 2014) http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/earthkindroses/ Reve d'Or. Earth-Kind® Rose Cultivar
Book (Feb 2009) Page(s) 68, 69(photo). Includes photo(s). ‘Rêve d’Or’/’Contessa da Foz’: Les rosiers noisette. Parents: semis de ‘Mme Schultz’. Obtenteur: Veuve Ducher 1869. …feuilles saines, pourpres, elles deviennent ensuite d’un vert profond et mat… boutons turbinés s’ouvrent largement en rosettes… jaune ambré parfois cuivré,… remontent constamment, jusqu’aux premières gelées.
Article (magazine) (Jun 2002) Page(s) 46. Rêve d'Or Noisette 1869... better in sunny climates but can be grown in the UK... The beauty of its foliage often draws comment, and can be detected, according to Peter Beales, in some of its descendants among Pemberton's hybris musks
Newsletter (1999) Page(s) 4. Vol 20, No. 3. Joanne Knight: In comparing my three roses I have to admit 'Crepuscule' has the winning edge for generosity of blooms, but 'William Allen Richardson' is closely second and has prettier flowers, which leaves Reve d'Or who has more thorns than the other two running last.
Book (Nov 1994) Page(s) 162. Rêve d'Or Ducher (France) 1869. ('Golden Chain' in the US) A seedling from 'Mme. Schultz'. Description... deep buff-yellow suffused with salmon fading to butter-yellow...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 496. Rêve d'Or Noisette, buff-yellow tinted lighter, 1869, 'Mme. Schultz' seedling; Ducher. Description.
Book (Feb 1993) Page(s) 100. Includes photo(s).
Book (1993) Page(s) 109. Includes photo(s). ('Rêve d'Or', 'Golden Dream', 'Golden Chain', 'Condesa da Foz') A Noisette. Ducher (France) 1869. A 'Mme. Schultz' seedling.
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 223. Rêve d'Or (translation, 'Golden Dream'; synonym, 'Condesa da Foz') Ducher, 1869. Noisette. Seedling of 'Mme Schultz'. [Author cites information from different sources.]
Website/Catalog (1982) Page(s) 31. Reve d’Or (Noisette Climber) This is a very good rose. Shapely, fully double blooms of buff to yellow, with sometimes, a hint of pink. Fragrant with strong growth and foliage. 1869. (R) 10 x 6’