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'Rex Anderson' rose References
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 496.  
Rex Anderson Hybrid Tea, ivory-white, 1938, 'Florence L. Izzard' x 'Mrs. Charles Lamplough'; McGredy. Description.
Book  (1961)  Page(s) 114.  
W. C. Thorn. What's In A Name.
Sam McGredy II was keen on breeding fox terriers and so was 'Rex Anderson' - hence this name.
Book  (1953)  Page(s) 76.  
Dr. A. S. Thomas.  Yellow Roses.
Rex Anderson is a rampant growing cream rose that gives many well formed blooms.
Book  (1946)  Page(s) 66.  
Terry Honeybun, Victoria.  Yellow Roses. 
Growth and Freedom of Blooming: Eclipse, Frank Reader, Lady Hillingdon, Sunburst, Alois Jirasek, Souv. de Denier Van der Gon, and Rex Anderson.
Book  (1939)  
p101.  S. R. Bird. Notes from Auckland
Rex Anderson gave much more promise as a light yellow exhibition and garden Rose. Had the weather improved in time I may have been able to say more in favour of this variety.

p118.  Mr C. W. Heers.  Roses in Queensland
Rex Anderson —The blooms are of good shape and fairly full, but the colour, which is a pale lemon yellow, so far has been very pale and inclined to fade. The growth is good, and if the colour brightens up it may yet retrieve itself.

p132.  Mr John Poulsen, NZ.  Canterbury Roses.
Rex Anderson.- Very strong growth; producing high pointed blooms of extra good shape. The colour is almost white at
times, but is a magnificent variety and may possibly supersede McGredy's Ivory.
Website/Catalog  (1939)  Page(s) 45.  
New Roses 1938. Rex Anderson (HT.  S. McGredy & Son 1936) F. 3.  Shapely large blooms of 40 petals.....a very good exhibition variety.  E. 
Book  (1938)  
p91.  R.Marion Hatton.  New Roses in America.
Of the European Roses which I have not seen mentioned in the "Annual," Rex Anderson, from McGredy, looks good to me. Our plants were not as good as most of McGredy's later varieties, but I liked the large shapely flowers, which opened pale cream and changed to milk white. I counted 40 petals and noted a fruit fragrance.

p114.  Allen Brundrett.  New Roses in Victoria.
Their variety Rex Anderson, H.T., was by far their best this season, and a very good Rose. The colour is lemon yellow; the petals are broad and of good substance, and the flowers are well formed, being promising for exhibition purposes. The growth seems to be remarkably hardy and vigorous.
Website/Catalog  (1938)  Page(s) 37.  
Bush Roses
Rex Anderson (Hybrid Tea)... Pale lemon yellow shaded gold at the base of the petals. The enormous blooms are full and of perfect form, and carried on long, stiff stems. It has a pleasing perfume. The habit of growth is exceptionally free and vigorous, with abundant grey green foliage and dark red wood. This variety is absolutely disease-resistant. Ideal for garden and exhibition purposes. Introduced 1937.
Website/Catalog  (1938)  Page(s) 40.  
New Roses 1938. Rex Anderson (HT.  S. McGredy & Son 1936) This variety can be described as a pale lemon yellow shaded gold at the base of the petals, and having a pleasing perfume. The blooms are full and of perfect form, while the habit of growth is exceptionally free and vigorous, with abundant grey green foliage and dark red wood. Disease resistant. 5/- each. 
A very promising variety. Stock very limited.
Book  (1937)  Page(s) 112.  
R. Marion Hatton.  An American Opinion of the World's New Roses
From Ireland we have several of McGredy's, of which I prefer Rex Anderson, with five inch cream-coloured flowers carrying a fruity fragrance. It has good form and should be a good exhibition Rose. 
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