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"Field of Woods" rose References
Article (newsletter)  (Nov 2012)  Page(s) 21.  
“Fields of the Wood.” (2007, Desert Rose Society Rose Show) Synonyms for this rose include “Kocher Red,” and “Field of Woods.” Subsequent to the date above, there seemed to be general agreement by the Modern Rose XII database,, the Combined Rose List 2011, and Vintage Gardens that the actual identity was ‘Rhode Island Red,’ a Large-flowered Climber hybridized by the Brownells of Rhode Island and introduced in 1957 or 1958. But any such agreement is purely tentative until contrary evidence emerges....The rose features large, intensely red blooms four to five inches across with dark green glossy foliage and a growth habit somewhat shorter than average for a climber...
Book  (2006)  
p234. "Field of Woods" (see 'Rhode Island Red' under LCLs).

p235. "Kocher Red" (see 'Rhode Island Red' under LCLs).

p262 Rhode Island Red ("Field of Woods". "Kocher Red") LCl. Good reliable rebloom. Good fragrance. 1. Brownell, 1957. [Provenance: Robinson/Walker]. A large-flowered, carmine red rose of delicate substance and many petals, globular with a light old-rose fragrance. Not an extremely tall grower. Both Charles Walker in North Carolina and Phillip Robinson in California have collected this rose on opposite coasts many years ago, but only recently have we discovered that this is the Brownell rose.
Book  (1958)  Page(s) 325.  
Rhode Island Red. Semi-Climber. (Brownell, '57.) Everblooming Pillar No. 73 X unnamed seedling. Large (4-5 in.), dbl. (30-35 petals), cupped, fragrant, currant-red. Fol. glossy. Very vig.; free bloom.
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