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'Royale pourpre' rose References
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 45.  
George IV ('George the Fourth') Hybrid China. Rivers, 1826.
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 499.  
Rivers' George IV Hybrid China, vivid crimson, shaded with dark purple, ('George IV'; 'King George IV'); Thought to be Damask x China; Rivers, ca. 1817. Description.
Book  (Jun 1992)  Page(s) 114.  
George IV ('Rivers' George IV') Hybrid China. Rivers, 1820. [Author cites information from several sources]... Deep velvety crimson and purple... reddish crimson with touches of dark maroon... This from Buist: Mr. Rivers, of England, a celebrated rose grower, raised this variety from seed... according to his own history of the plant, it came up in a bed of seedlings, unexpected, and without any act on his part to produce it. George IV of England, lived 1762-1830...
Book  (1991)  
King George IV (Rivers' George IV, George IV) by Rivers, ca. 1817. Parentage held to be a hybrid between a Damascene Rose and a Chinese Rose. Hybrid of chinensis. Vigorous, branching, not perpetual, double corollas, cup-shaped...
Book  (1986)  Page(s) 83.  
Chinas and their Hybrids. Rivers' George IV (1820). Believed to be a hybrid from a damask. It has double, cupped, deep crimson, deep crimson flowers which are loose but beautiful. It is fragrant and non-recurrent.
Website/Catalog  (1983)  Page(s) 34.  

Rivers George IV.  (Hybrid Chinensis). Loose, double flowers of deep crimson borne in clusters on a lax but healthy plant. Scented. 1820. (S) 3 x 2’.

Website/Catalog  (1964)  Page(s) 9.  
Rivers' George IV-- Lg. loosely dbl., deep crimson, 1820, F.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 294.  
George IV (hybrid china) ? ? ; vivid crimson, shaded dark garnet, large, double, flat, growth 4/10
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 275.  
Fourth, George (hybrid china) ? before 1848; velvety dark crimson, globular, climbing habit.
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