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'Charles Toché' peony References
Magazine  (Nov 1911)  Page(s) 121.  
Species—P. albiflora.
Originated by Dessert, 1888.
Donated by Farr.
Description of bloom — Type of bloom semi-double. Form of bloom globular, loose, stamens very noticeable. Not differentiated. Not entirely transformed. Color (total effect) violet rose 4 (154) ; guards clear; collar same as guards; center clear; color uniform. Fades in sun to 1 (154). Fragrance unpleasant XX. Blooming time early. Medium size.
Description of plant — Habit of plant erect, dwarf, compact. Growth strong and healthy. Stem short, strong, red. Blooming habit free. Buds borne in clusters, healthy. Foliage well furnished, medium to dark green, medium size; veins reddish green.
Commercial value — For cut bloom poor; landscape value good. Variety as a whole good.
Website/Catalog  (1909)  Page(s) 4.  
Charles Toche. Globular flower, clear purple with carmine reflex, petals intermixed with golden stamens, very elegant variety...$ 1 50
Magazine  (1892)  Page(s) 124.  
Pivoines herbacées; Nouveautés et Culture.
Parmi les nouveautés signalées dans les derniers temps il y a eu de véritables surprises au point de vue de la coloration.  En voici quelques-unes:
Charles Toché (Dessert, 1888).  Fleur pourpre clair, à reflet carminé, double rangée de pétales, variant du rose tendre au rubis, séparé par une rangée d'étamines jaune d'or.
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