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'Austrian Copper' rose References
Article (magazine)  (2023)  
GC-MS analysis revealed the major scent components of R. foetida and R. foetida var. bicolor were geranyl acetate, 2-phenylethanol, and 2-phenylethyl acetate, each rose with different ratios. The main scent component of R. foetida f. persiana was caryophyllene. The ratio of hydrocarbons was high in R. foetida and its sport cultivars. Characteristic aromatic components of R. foetida and its sport cultivars in this study were the fatty acid derivatives (E, E)- and/or (E, Z)-2,4- decadienal (2,4-DA), (E, E)-2,4-decadienol (2,4-DO), and (Z)-jasmone. In addition, trace amounts of methyl dihydrojasmonate was detected in R. foetida (data not shown). These components are unreported for the plant genus Rosa.
the unpleasant odor of R. foetida and its sport cultivars is likely caused by the fatty acid derivatives, 2,4-DA and 2,4-DO

Composition ratios of volatile compounds in flowers of Rosa foetida and its sport cultivars (%).
R. foetida var. bicolor
1-Nonadecene Bland None [Odor strength]17.7
Geranyl acetate Floral-fruity Medium 17.3
Nonadecane Bland None 16.1
8-Heptadecene Waxy Low 12.0
Fatty acid derivatives
(Z)-Jasmone Floral-jasmin Medium 1.8
(E,E)-2,4-Decadienol Fatty-oily High 0.2
(E,E)-2,4-Decadienal Fatty-chicken High 0.1
Article (magazine)  (2009)  Page(s) 30.  
R. foetida bicolor (Jacq.) E. Willm.   Source RJBM [Réal Jardin Botanico Madrid] Chromosome Number 28
Book  (2002)  Page(s) 84.  
R. foetida bicolor Species, red blend, prior to 1590. Rated 7.7
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 51.  Includes photo(s).
R. foetida bicolor (syn. 'Austrian Copper') is a popular sport of R. foetida and is similar in all respects except for color, which is bright almost luminous orange-red.
Book  (Nov 1998)  Page(s) 12.  
R. foetida bicolor A sport of R. foetida. 'Austrian Copper'. Known for reverting to the original color [of R. foetida] ...
Book  (May 1998)  Page(s) 52, 53.  Includes photo(s).
Page 52: Rosa eglanteria punicea ('Austrian Copper', 'Corn Poppy Rose', Rosa Eglanteria var. punicea, Rosier Eglantier var. couleur ponceau) Description...
Page 53: [Illustration]
Book  (May 1998)  Page(s) 52.  
The 'Nasturium, Countess or Austrian Rose' differs from 'Austrian Copper' in a number of small ways, among them the petals are a fine ochreous within, yellow-orange outside, sometimes striped yellow or purplish ('Tulip Rose' of Du Pont) [see the text for other comparisons... Thory goes on to say] In spite of these differences, most naturalists consider both roses to be one and the same species, for the simple reason that both may occure on one stem...
Book  (1997)  Page(s) 120.  Includes photo(s).
Austrian Copper (R. foetida bicolor, R. lutea punicea) Asia, 16th century or earlier. Description... Flowers: rich copper-orange... The flower occasionally reverts to the original yellow and sometimes both colours appear on the plant simultaneously...
Book  (Oct 1996)  Page(s) 38, 39.  Includes photo(s).
Page 38: R. foetida bicolor ('Austrian Copper') Description... Big, single, poppy-like flowers are a dazzling orange-flame with yellow stamens and a dark eye. It occasionally reverts to its yellow parent, R. foetida, and you get yellow and flame flowers on the same bush... This is an important rose because it is the ancestor of all the modern bicoloured Hybrid Teas.
Page 39: [Photo]
Book  (Nov 1994)  Page(s) 102-103.  
R. foetida bicolor (Rose lutea punicea) ... known since before 1590... Miss Willmott tells us it is known in France by the name of Rose Capucine and used to be known as Rose Comtesse... the double form was apparently recorded in 1815 or thereabouts...
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