'Rosa villosa supsp. pomifera Crép. synonym' rose Description
Photo courtesy of Cactus Joe
Pink. Resinuous fragrance of foliage. 5 petals. Average diameter 1.75". Small, single (4-8 petals) bloom form. Once-blooming spring or summer.
Light green, fragrant foliage. 5 to 7 leaflets.
Height: 6' to 11'10" (185 to 360cm).
USDA zone 4b and warmer. Hardy. produces decorative hips.
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
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Rosa villosa is the species most usually called the Apple Rose, because its hips look like small apples. In a few European countries, R. rubiginosa is sometimes also known as the Apple Rose because the leaves and buds smell like apples.
Rosa villosa Linnaeus (1753) Rosa pomifera J. Herrm. (1762) Large, showy, spiny red hips. See REFERENCES for the history of the various names of this rose. Whether called Rosa pomifera or Rosa villosa, it is all the same rose. Some botanists prefer one or the other for technical reasons.
[Rosa hispida hort. ex Poir. (Encycl. 6(1): 286. 1804]