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'Rosa X francofurtana agatha' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 77-247
most recent 23 JAN 16 SHOW ALL
Initial post 19 MAR 14 by Hardy
The description for this rose includes the statement, "'Impératrice Joséphine' is strongly fragrant and semi-double to double, while 'R. francofurtana' is slightly fragrant and single to semi-double." This statement is repeated in the description for Empress Josephine.

Some of the references seem to say the opposite, such as The Graham Stuart Thomas Rose Book, "Fragrance is rather lacking in 'Empress Josephine', but in the form 'Agatha' it is as delicious and strong as any." Beales' Classic Roses says of Agatha, "Flowers slightly smaller and of a deeper pink shade than those of the 'Empress' and with a stronger scent."

I'm thinking these were accidentally reversed on the description pages.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 23 JAN 16 by Raynyk
Both are common in Scandinavian gardens and just as you say 'Agatha' is always refered to as strongly scented, and 'Empress Josephine' to have a mild scent.
This is also written in the book "Rosor för nordiska trädgårdar" by Lars-Åke Gustavsson.
Discussion id : 67-676
most recent 18 OCT 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 OCT 12 by Rose_Insanity
Vintage lists this as "Agatha Francofurtana" in their Fall 2012 listing.
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