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'Rosa hugonis flore plena' rose References
Newsletter  (Aug 2016)  Page(s) 21. Vol 27, No. 3.  
Geoff Crowhurst. Wild Roses in Changde.
After an overnight hotel stay in Chengde, the group visited the Imperial Summer Resort, not to be confused with the Summer Palace near Beijing.....Not far beyond the further exit we came upon a large plant of Rosa xanthina (the double form), so there was much photographing. I would be surprised if anyone knows whether the double form was found in the wild, or occurred among cultivated plants. It is quite widely grown in northern China, and on a previous visit I saw plants in the North Beijing Botanic Garden, and also at the foot of Tai Shan, in Shandong Province.
Website/Catalog  (2010)  Includes photo(s).
Contains high resolution digital image of R. xanthina. Search Genus Rosa at
Article (magazine)  (2009)  Page(s) 30.  
R. xanthina Lindl.   Source RJBM [Réal Jardin Botanico Madrid] Chromosome Number 28  [?]
Book  (1 May 2003)  Page(s) 352.  
Rosa xanthina Lindley..Rosa xanthinoides Nakai. ...prickles paired...straight, to 1.2 cm, stout, flat, abruptly flaring to an elliptic base, small prickles and bristles absent. Leaves including petiole 3-5 cm...leaflets 7-13, broadly ovate or suborbicular...6-18 x 5-10 mm...Flower solitary...3-4(-5) cm...Petals 5 or double, yellow..Hip purple-brown or black-brown, subglobose or obovoid, 8-10 mm in diam., glabrous, with persistent, reflexed sepals...Two forms may be recognized: Rosa xanthina f. normalis Rehder & E.H. Wilson (...R. xanthina f. spontanea Rehder), which has single flowers with 5 petals, and f. xanthina, which has double or semidouble flowers and is frequently in gardens or parks.
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 208.  
Double Hugonis Introducer unknown, pre-1932
Book  (Mar 1998)  Page(s) 8.  
Rosa xanthina yellow flowers
Magazine  (1996)  Page(s) 143.  
The type of Rosa xanthina Lindl. was a rose with double or semi-double flowers obtained from cultivation in China, where it had been grown in gardens for a long period before it became known to Westerners. When the single-flowered form was discovered it was at first confused with Rosa primula Boulenger under the name Rosa xanthina forma normalis and later separated as Rosa xanthina forma spontanea.
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 514.  
R. xanthina (Lindley) Species, yellow, ('Manchu Rose', R. xanthinoides Nakai); 1906. Description.
Website/Catalog  (1989)  
R. xanthina Lindl. 2n=14
Book  (1988)  Page(s) 20.  
Rosa xanthina Lindl was a plant, cultivated in China before 1800, and introduced to the Arnold Arboretum by Meyer in 1907. It can now be seen planted along the road from Beijing airport to the city.
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