'Madame Edouard Doriat' peony References
Book (1960) Page(s) 262. MME. EDOUARD DORIAT (Dessert-Doriat 1924), D. White, tipped crimson. T. LM.
Book (1954) Page(s) 42. Madame Edouard Doriat (Doriat, 1924), cream-white to pure white, light carmine blotch at centre...
Magazine (1934) Page(s) 127. Includes photo(s). Fig. 53.- Présentation des Pivoines, par MM. Doriat et fils et Debatène. On reconnait: Sarah Bernardt (Dessert) en haut à gauche, Marguerite Dessert à coté, Verdun (simple rouge) en dessous, Mme Edouard Doriat (blanche double) au centre, Jeanne Ernould (simple, carmin argenté) à droite.
Magazine (1931) Page(s) 478. Doriat, of Lapalisse, the well-known specialists, were .... Madame Edouard Doriat, white ...
Book (1928) Page(s) 123. MME. EDOUARD DORIAT.... (Dessert-Doriat, 1924.) 8.6 (5 votes).* Double type; large. White, loosely globular flower, with rounded petals, lightly tipped crimson; outer petals relax on opening around cupped center, with...
Website/Catalog (1927) Page(s) 22. Madame Edouard Doriat (Doriat 1924) Large globular flower with rounded petals, white with carmine border; golden stamens visible between the petals. Long stiff stems. Beautiful late variety. Each $15.00