'Sander's White Rambler' rose References
Article (misc) (2005) Page(s) 110, Table 5.1. Sanders’ White Rambler : diploid
Book (2000) Page(s) 190. Includes photo(s). 'Sanders’ White Rambler'. Raised by Sanders. Parentage: Origin unknown. Introduced 1912. Type: Rambler. Size: 5m. Over a long period of time a white Rambler with tight little rosette flowers has been grown in New Zealand. It was known as ‘Sanders’ White’. But after three journeys to the United Kingdom and Europe, I realised that the rose grown in these countries under that name was different. We now grow that rose and it has slightly bigger pure white blooms that are not quite so double as the former one, and it is possible to see golden stamens in the centre. The new version is fragrant and has deep green glossy foliage that contrasts beautifully with the white flowers. It blooms from early summer through to autumn, performs well as a Rambler, and is excellent trained on a pole or grown as a weeping standard.
Book (Nov 1998) Page(s) 116. Includes photo(s).
Book (Nov 1994) Page(s) 226, 233. Page 226: Sanders White, that most beautiful and fragrant of all the group, fit to be in any garden of roses Page 233: Sanders' White Rambler Sanders, UK, 1912. A beautiful white rose similar to 'Dorothy Perkins'... small glossy leaves... a deliciously fruity fragrance... Flowers late in the rambler season
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 533. Sander's White Rambler Rambler, white, rosette form, 1912, Sander & Son. Description.
Book (Feb 1993) Page(s) 148, 149. Includes photo(s). p. 148: [Photo] p. 149: Sander's White Rambler Wichuraiana rambler. Parentage: unknown. England 1912. Description and cultivation... rosette-shaped, white, sweetly scented flowers...
Book (1993) Page(s) 144. A small-flowered, rampant Rambler. Sander (Britain) 1912. Summer flowering. Height: 400 cm (13 ft.) Some scent.
Book (May 1992) Page(s) 319. Includes photo(s). Sanders White ('Sanders White Rambler') Sanders & Sons (UK) 1912. One of the best white ramblers... almost rosette-shaped, pure white flowers in cascading clusters...
Book (1991) Includes photo(s). p116. Catmint flows along the base of a wall covered with Hybrid Perpetual roses and by the corner shelters massed blossom of the richly fragrant 'Sanders' White Rambler' cover both wall and sloping banks. The almost prostrate growth does not impede the view of the borders from visitors seated in the shelters.
p145. The rose Sanders' White Rambler is a particularly valuable Wichuraiana hybrid, inheriting that species' late-flowering habit. Moreover it is extremely sweetly scented. It is equally good as a ground-cover, or when trained on a support.....
Book (1988) Page(s) 89. Includes photo(s).