'Beauty Secret' rose References
Book (2002) Page(s) 24. Rated 8.1
Book (2000) Page(s) 107. Includes photo(s). ‘Beauty Secret’ = Miniature. C’est le rosier miniature classique des années 1960… rouge cardinal… pétales terminés en pointe aiguë. Portées en bouquet de 4 à 10 fleurs sur des tiges droites et solides, elles surprennent par la ténacité de leur coloris, qui reste vif des jours durant… Moore, US 1965.
Article (magazine) (Nov 1999) Page(s) 16-17. Includes photo(s). Beauty Secret medium red, Moore, 1965... known for its cardinal red flowers with a characteristic point to the terminal edge of the petals...
Book (Mar 1995) Page(s) 84. Beauty Secret Miniature. Moore (USA) 1965. Description... This old favorite produces profuse, cardinal red blooms on a compact 10-inch plant... pointed petal ends that are characteristic of many early miniatures...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 43. Beauty Secret Miniature, cardinal-red, 1965, 'Little Darling' x 'Magic Wand'; Moore, R.S. Description.
Book (1973) Page(s) 146. Dr. A. S. Thomas Victoria. The New Ones. Beauty Secret Min. (Moore, 1965). A very attractive red cultivar with fairly double flowers. Rather tall growth.
Book (1972) Page(s) 76. Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW. Miniatures. Beauty Secret is a deep true red with a beautiful flower and a varying number of petals. It is very reliable.
Book (1969) Page(s) 30. Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW. New Roses. Beauty Secret Miniature. (Moore) Little pointed petals form a high centred flower of a lovely vivid scarlet colour, which are fragrant. ('Little Darling' x 'Magic Wand').