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'Shades of Autumn' rose References
Book  (1953)  Page(s) 136.  
Mr. Jim Bennett.  N. Z.  Rose Forum.
Shades of Autumn. One of the best bi-colour garden roses.  Blooms are small, but of excellent colour and growth is strong. 
Book  (1953)  Page(s) 66.  
Shades of Autumn - 28
Book  (1952)  Page(s) 131.  
Noel Cutler, N.Z.
Shades of Autumn, with its colour combination of scarlet and gold, is a good decorative.
Book  (1950)  Page(s) 143.  
Dr. A. S. Thomas.  A Victorian Summary.
Shades of Autumn (one plant, one year) is a vigorous but bushy type of rose, eminently suited for use as a specimen plant or for a hedge. The bloom is rather loosely formed with petals which are deep orange on their inner side and lemon yellow on the outside.  It is almost a Floribunda. 
Website/Catalog  (1950)  Page(s) 6.  
Novelty Roses 1950. Shades Of Autumn (H.T.) (Brownell, 1943). Large, double, fragrant blooms of red, pink and yellow with glossy leathery foliage. Splendid growth, almost free from thorns. Very free flowering. A beautiful variety. 10/6 each.
Website/Catalog  (1941)  Page(s) [4].  
Sub-Zero Hybrid Teas
Shades of Autumn. HT. (The Brownells, 1941.) Propagation rights reserved. A multi-colored rose scarlet to gold with reverse side yellow, a real good growre and an excellent producer. No plants till fall 1941. $1.50 each.
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