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'KORwondis' rose Gardens
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—  A  —
Western Australia, Australia L,P,T  Araluen Botanic Park Rose Gardens

Rose (public) Garden.  346 plants listed.  7 photos.

Listed as 'Bella Rosa'.  

Zvolen, Slovakia L,P,V  Arboretum Borova hora - Rosarium

Rose (public) Garden.  918 plants listed.  295 photos.  USDA zone 6b.

5 favorite votes.  

Listed as 'Bella Rosa'.  

—  B  —
Paris, France C,J,L,P,T,V  Bagatelle Park / La Roseraie de Bagatelle

Rose and peony (public) Garden.  1161 plants listed.  9 photos.  USDA zone 8a.

11 favorite votes.  

Listed as 'Bella Rosa'.  

Rose (public) Garden.  72 plants listed.  8 photos.

1 favorite vote.  

Listed as 'Bella Rosa'.  

Rose, peony and clematis (public) Garden.  491 plants listed.  8 photos.

Listed as 'Bella Rosa'.  

New York, United States L,V  Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Rose and peony (public) Garden.  1411 plants listed.  USDA zone 8b.

16 favorite votes.  

Listed as 'Bella Rosa'.  

—  C  —
New York, United States C,L,P,R,T,V  Cranford Rose Garden

Rose (public) Garden.  1477 plants listed.  18 photos.  USDA zone 7b.

22 favorite votes.  Average rating: EXCELLENT-.  

Listed as 'Bella Rosa'.  

—  E  —
Sweden L  EkKullen

Rose, peony and clematis (member) Garden.  762 plants listed.  8 photos.

Listed as 'Bella Rosa'.  

Rose (member) Garden.  331 plants listed.  8 photos.

3 favorite votes.  

Listed as 'Bella Rosa'.  

—  F  —
United States C,L,V  FreedomGardens

Rose (member) Garden.  1055 plants listed.  8 photos.

4 favorite votes.  

Listed as 'Bella Rosa'.  

—  G  —

Rose (public) Garden.  5619 plants listed.  19 photos.  USDA zone 9a.

24 favorite votes.  Average rating: GOOD+.  

Listed as 'Bella Rosa'.  

—  H  —
Western Finland, Finland L,V  Hatanpään Arboretum

Rose (public) Garden.  158 plants listed.

4 favorite votes.  

Listed as 'Bella Rosa'.  

—  I  —
Alto Moferrato, Italy C,L,P,V  Il Giardino dei Pigri (The Garden for the Lazy)

Rose (member) Garden.  326 plants listed.  256 photos.  USDA zone 7b.

14 favorite votes.  

Listed as 'Bella Rosa'.  

—  J  —
New York, United States L,R,V  Jim W

Rose (public) Garden.  81 plants listed.

4 favorite votes.  Average rating: EXCELLENT.  

Listed as 'Bella Rosa'.  

—  K  —
Norway L  Kristin

Rose (member) Garden.  141 plants listed.  8 photos.

Listed as 'Bella Rosa'.  

Burgenland, Austria L  Kurpark und Rosarium Bad Sauerbrunn

Rose (public) Garden.  118 plants listed.

Listed as 'Bella Rosa'.  

—  M  —
United Kingdom C,L,T,V  Mattocks Roses Display Garden

Rose (public) Garden.  309 plants listed.

6 favorite votes.  

Listed as 'Toynbee Hall'.  

Victoria, Australia C,L,P,V  My Garden

Rose (member) Garden.  49 plants listed.  14 photos.

5 favorite votes.  

Listed as 'Bella Rosa'.  

—  N  —
Norway L  Nadjas rosehage

Rose (member) Garden.  441 plants listed.  8 photos.

Listed as 'Bella Rosa'.  

—  O  —
Australian Capital Territory, Australia C,L,P,V  Old Parliament House Gardens - Ladies Rose Garden

Rose (public) Garden.  168 plants listed.  4 photos.

1 favorite vote.  

Listed as 'Bella Rosa'.  

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