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'Wilhelm' rose References
Book  (Apr 2001)  Page(s) 96.  
Wilhelm see 'Skyrocket'
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 550-551.  
‘Skyrocket’/’Wilhelm’: Arbuste - rouge foncé - remontant. Connu en France sous le nom de ‘Wilhelm’... Kordes, Allemagne 1934. ‘Robin Hood’ x ‘J.C.Thornton’. RHS Award of Garden Merit 1993.
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 369.  
Wilhelm ('Skyrocket') Hybrid Musk. Kordes 1934. Parentage: 'Robin Hood' x 'J.C. Thornton'. The author cites information from different sources... Bright blood red...
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 555.  
Skyrocket Hybrid Musk (Shrub), dark red, 1934, ('Wilhelm'); 'Robin Hood' (Hybrid Musk) x 'J.C. Thornton'; Kordes. Description.
Book  (1993)  Page(s) 214.  
('Wilhelm', 'Skyrocket') A Hybrid Musk. Kordes (Germany) 1934. ('Robin Hood' x 'J.C. Thornton') Flowers well in summer but even better in autumn. Height: 180 cm (6 ft.) Slightly scented.
Website/Catalog  (1982)  Page(s) 40.  
Wilhelm (Hybrid Musk). ‘Skyrocket’. Clusters of dark red semi-double flowers on long stems. Large leathery foliage. Exceptionally good in late Autumn. 1944 H. (R) 5 x 4’. 
Book  (1978)  Page(s) 133.  
'Wilhelm'  Tall   Red  Remontant   P1     H3 
In my view a most uninteresting rose, but it does provide a red Hybrid Musk, without the scent associated with most of them; besides, so many people praise it, that I must be in the minority in my distaste for it. Raised by Wilhelm Kordes from 'Robin Hood' x 'J. C. Thornton', and a sister therefore of 'Eva'. It was introduced in 1934, and is known  in the  USA as 'Skyrocket'.
Website/Catalog  (1961)  Page(s) 22.  
WILHELM (Hybride de Multiflore). Forme de beaux buissons de 1 m. à 1 m. 50 de haut constamment fleuris de roses rouge sang demi-doubles en grosses inflorescences.
Website/Catalog  (1956)  Page(s) 20.  
WILHELM (Hybride de Multiflore). Forme de beaux buissons de 1 à 2 mètres de haut, constamment fleuris de roses rouge sang semi-doubles en grosses inflorescences.
Magazine  (Feb 1953)  Page(s) 1. trimester, p. 5.  
Wilhelm, hybride de Multiflore, rouge sang luisant, remarquable par sa floribondité très soutenue.
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