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"California Malton" rose References
Website/Catalog  (8 Jun 2014)  Includes photo(s).
William Jesse (der mit dem Zusatznamen "California Malton" durch eine Vintage-Sammelbestellung als Spende hierher kam)

William Jesse (who came here as a donation with the additional name "California Malton" through a bulk order) from Vintage:
Book  (2006)  Page(s) 65.  
"Califonia Malton" ("William Jesse") hybrid bourbon (HP). Fair rebloom. Good fragrance. Arching, long-caned. Unknown...found. The portrayal and description of William Jesse ...raised strong suspicions...that our Malton is, in fact, this rose. However, over the years we have concluded that this best belongs in the Hybrid Bourbons, likely a Gloire des Rosomanes offspring. Large flowers in clusters, rose red to cerise with a light pink reverse; petals imbricated in the opening flower, which expands fully to highlight a charming crested center.
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