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'W. F. Mann' rose References
Book  (1955)  Page(s) 95.  
W. Beattie, Thornbury, Vic. As You Were. S. F. Mann, of Ceres, near Geelong, grew roses for many years and then decided to come to Melbourne to exhibit some of them. He started in the Novice class, and it was my first effort also in the novice. When I saw Mr. Mann’s blooms on the show bench, I thought that I had got into open class by mistake! I had to wait until the following show to win the novice class!
Book  (1934)  Page(s) 155.  Includes photo(s).
The picture below shows Mr. and Mrs. James Mann in portion of their garden at Ceres. Mrs. N. L. Waltson, writing from Geelong says their farm is situated on the banks of the Barwon River, a few miles north-west of Geelong, and the fertile flats are especially suitable for Roses. There is plenty of room and they are able to make a rose garden wherever they think best; a good water supply is another factor in their success. For twenty-five years Mr. Mann has been one of the most successful exdhibitors at the Melbourne shows and, at times has shown blooms of exceptional value.
Book  (1931)  Page(s) 114.  
Susie E. Watson, News and Notes from Geelong. Recently I visited Mr. James Mann’s wonderful Rose garden at Ceres, four miles from Geelong as the crow flies ………….Mr. Mann’s homestead is beautifully situated on the banks of the Barwon. His Rose gardens are well protected from the four winds by ti-tree screens, and look very healthy and well grown; and no wonder, in such an ideal spot, with splendid light loam on clay subsoil, and three rose lovers to give them every care, Mr. Mann having the good fortune to possess a wife and son who are as keen on Rose growing as he is, which is saying a good deal.
Website/Catalog  (1926)  Page(s) 40.  
H. V. Mann. HT. Deep rose pink, shaded pale pink, large and full, delightfully fragrant.
Website/Catalog  (1925)  Page(s) 57.  
W. F. Mann (H.T.) Fragrant. 4 [tall, rampant] . a salmon sport from Clb. Mrs. W. J. Grant. Equal in every way to the parent, and even better grower. Treat as a dwarf. This will be grown much more when better known. [Suitable for] Adelaide, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney.
Website/Catalog  (1922)  Page(s) 27.  
(No. 106) H. V. Mann (H.T.) 1 [tall rampant*] – a salmon sport from Clg. Mrs. W. J. Grant. Equal in every way to the parent and even better grower. Treat as dwarf. This will be grown much more when better known. A favourite in Adelaide.
[* Hazelwood reversed the order of the height from 1925 onwards]
Website/Catalog  (1921)  Page(s) 16.  
H. V. Mann. Pale salmon pink, magnificent variety. Fragrant. Garden. Exhibition. Vig. `
Website/Catalog  (1915)  Page(s) 16.  
W. F. Mann. (H.T.) A climbing sport from climbing ‘Belle Siebrecht’, which originated in Mr. Mann’s own garden at Ceres, Geelong. Flowers of a rich salmon pink, resembling ‘Lady Faire’, but larger and fuller, and better substance. Exhibited by Mr. Mann in his Champion Stand at the last Spring Show of the N.R.S.; Was awarded the Medal for the best H.T. A glorious rose for exhibition and garden purposes. 2/-.
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