'Célimène' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 136. Célimène (bourbon) ? ? ; silvery light pink, center darker, very large, double, cup form.
Book (1846) Page(s) 14. Semper florens bourboniana...Celimene, very beautiful, some fragrance. Very pale pink, 2 inches wide, double.
Book (1844) Page(s) 98. How much I prefer the nomenclature of the roses! I know not why, but it seems to me that in the vegetable world this is the only flower which has escaped Latin designations. This favor has been granted it, that it should be abandoned to all vulgar minds; while our hot-house Latinists put themselves to torture that they may forge barbarisms. The amateur of roses, more indulgent and more sensible, gives to his beautiful flowers beloved names—the names of heroes, of great artists ; the names of beautiful ladies, the name of his young wife, or his eldest daughter, or of his infant child; sometimes even the name of his political opinions. Thus you have the rose Henry V., and the rose Ferdinand, one near the other, and without dreading a duel with thorns; you have the rose Louis XII., and the rose Louis XV.; the rose Elizabeth, Colbert, Emilie Lesourd ; the rose Rosine, and the rose Fanchon, and the rose Célemène ; ma tante Aurore, and Silene, have each their own rose. These are what I call titles; with these you may recognise them again, when once you have named them! Général Marceau and Marechal de Villars have also their rose. Alas! there is also the rose Charles X., that dethroned king, that kind, affable gentleman; here is all that remains to us of this king of France, less than nothing—a flower!
Magazine (27 May 1843) Page(s) 355. Madame Nerard, Celimene, and Timocles, are also of the same rigid habit, with flowers of the palest "silvery" blush--a term which will perhaps convey that peculiar glossiness which seems to lay on the surface of the petals;
Magazine (1843) Page(s) Vol. 3, n.19, p. 41. Exposition de Fleurs de la Fête-Dieu 1843. Catalogue des variétés exposées... M. Goisnard , horticulteur à la Pyramide.... Iles-Bourbons.... Mme Desprez. bouquet de Flore. Clémentine. hermosa. Célimène. Nemania-Bressia.
Magazine (May 1842) Page(s) Vol. 30, p. 359. LISTE DES EXPOSANTS, DES PLANTES ET AUTRES OBJETS EXPOSÉS DU 13 AU 17 AVRIL 1842, sous les auspices de la Société royale d'horticulture de Paris, DANS LA NOUVELLE GALERIE DE LA CHAMBRE DES PAIRS. M. ROBLIN , jardinier-fleuriste, rue Marbœuf, 24. 928 Rose Célimène.
Magazine (1842) Page(s) Vol. 2, n.17, p. 302-303, 308. p. 302: Exposition Spéciale des Roses et le Bazar horticole de la Fête-Dieu 1842 [May 27 - June 3] ... M. Vibert, route de Paris, à Angers... Ile de Bourbon. Armentine. Bizarine. Bosanquet. bouquet de Flore. Bréon. Célimene. Desgasches. docteur Roques. d'Yèbles. Emile Courtier. grand capitaine. Hennequin. Hermosa. M.me Ande. Nérard. phénix. reine des I. de Bourbon. Thérèse Margat. Thérésita. Vatzo. Victoire argentée. Zuléma.
p. 308: Exposition Spéciale des Roses et le Bazar horticole de la Fête-Dieu 1842 [May 27 - June 3] ... M. Thibault, fleuriste, jardinier de M.Bizard, rue des Bas-Chemins.... Ile-Bourbon. belle odalisque. Bizarine. (S. 1840.) [S= Seedling by Bizard]. bouquet de Flore. Castalie. (S. 1840.) Céphalie. ( S. 1840. ) Célimène. Chaulieu. S. coupe d'Hébé. S. Cupidon. S. docteur Roques. fin rubis. S. gente Isabelle. (S. 1840. ) Hennequin. jeune Eryphile. S. Lionella. (S. 1840.) Mme Aude. marquise d'Evry. nervosa. (S. 1840. ) Ninon. ( S. 1840. ) Pallas. (S. 1839.) panaché. (S. 1841.) Pandore. (S. 1840. ) Parquin. Phénix. S. Polymnie. S. Prométhée. (S. 1840.) reine des Iles-Bourbons. Sapho. (S. 1840.) plus 12 semis, sans noms, de 1841.
Magazine (3 Jul 1841) Page(s) 438. Messrs. Lane and Sons Nursery, Great Berkhampstead.—The collection of Roses here is very large, and comprises most of the choicer varieties in cultivation. [...] Bourbon.—Acidalie, white, cupped, large, and very double; Armosa; Augustine Marget; Bouquet de Flore, fine reddish carmine; Célimène, delicate pink, cupped; Coquette de Montmorency, red, beautifully shaded with violet, cupped and double; De Neuilly, fine rosy carmine, cupped and double; Emile Courtier; Général Merlin, large, bright pink; Gloire de Rosamène; Madame Nerard, pink, with a lightish margin; Phénix; Queen of the Bourbons; and Thérésita, cupped, carmine.
Magazine (1 Jul 1841) Page(s) 164. Miscellaneous Intelligence. London Horticultural Societies. Exhibition at the Garden, June 12. The most striking Bourbon Roses were Emile Courtin, bright rose, very large and double; Madame Nérard, pale blush; Célimène, light rose; Duc d'Aumale, deep rose; Bouquet de Flore, of nearly the same colour, but more vivid; Le Grand Capitaine, scarlet, much like Gloire de Rosomene, but more double.
Magazine (Jun 1840) Page(s) Vol. 26, p. 402. LISTE DES EXPOSANTS, DES PLANTES ET AUTRES OBJETS EXPOSÉS DU 25 AU 31 MAI 1840 , DANS L'ORANGERIE DE LA CHAMBRE DES PAIRS .... M. JAMIN, pépiniériste, rue de Buffon , n° 19. 779 Rose île Bourbon Célimène.