'Cuisse de nymphe royale' rose References
Book (1990) Page(s) 49. Royale Alba. Vibert 1835... blush-pink...
Book (1936) Page(s) 75. Varieties in cultivation: 'Great Maiden's Blush'. (Alba regalis, Redoute) Large, 5 in., very double, pale pink, lighter at edges, in bunches. Pedicel downy and thorny, hip hairy. Calyx longer, narrow tip, very slightly winged, gland edged. Leaves large, blue-green. Wood green, few curved thorns. Growth attaining 3 ft. (description after Redoute). This is said by some writers to be the Carnation Rose of Parkinson, which I think doubtful. Parkinson's variety varied in colour, 'some being paler in colour and some as it were blasted which cometh not casually, but naturally to this Rose, but the best flowers (where of there will bee still some), will be of a bright pale murrey (mulberry) colour neere unto the Velvet Rose, but nothing so dark a colour'. The Velvet Rose was a deep crimson colour, and to speak of a light pale mulberry colour is about as helpful as to talk of a light black currant. No other author who describes or figures the Great Maiden's Blush tells us of its variability or blastings. Parkinson's Incarnation is 'not very great', this Rose is always described as the Great Maiden's Blush, and is as large as the Alba Maxima. Though I have not yet succeeded in obtaining this variety I am confident that it cannot be the Incarnation of Parkinson. If it is suggested that the Small Maiden's Blush is Parkinson's Incarnation, which fits it well in size, then I reply that there is no variation in colour in this variety and, happily, no blastings. Miss Laurence's flower is 3 3/4 in. and Andrews' 3 1/4 in. Andrews' small Maiden's Blush is 2 in.
Book (1885) Page(s) 40, Vol 1. Rosier velu. Variétés. Rosier blanc. Fleurs carnées. La royale. Vibert. Cuisse de nymphe. Dumont de Courset. — Pédoncules hispides au-dessus des bractées; tube du calice plus long que large; fleurs très doubles, moyennes, carnées, à bords pâles.
Book (1885) Page(s) 40, Vol 1. Rosier velu. Variétés. Rosier blanc. Fleurs carnées. Alba regia. Prévost. — Tube du calice ovale, portant quelques poils glanduleux; pédoncules glabres au dessous des bractées; fleurs pleines, moyennes, régulières, d'un carné passant presque au blanc.
Book (1858) Page(s) 127. Alba .... Carnea regalis, vivid flesh-coloured.
Magazine (May 1850) Page(s) 240. VINGT ET UNIÈME EXPOSITION de FLEURS, FRUITS ET LEGUMES, ET OBJETS D'ART ET D'INDUSTRIE HORTICOLES, les 16, 19 , 18 et 19 mai 1850, à l'orangerie du Luxembourg.... M. H. JAMAIN fils, horticulteur, rue du Cendrier, 5, cetrue du Marché-aux-Chevaux, 22. Roses non remontantes. 1225 Royale rose.
Book (1849) Page(s) 576. R. alba...royale, double, flesh-coloured.
Website/Catalog (1845) Page(s) 8. Roses Blanches (espèce). 29 Royale, moyenne, pleine, rose...
Website/Catalog (1844) Page(s) 4. ALBA. Alba la royale.
Book (1844) Page(s) 300. ROSES BLANCHES. Royale, moyenne, pleine, rose.
Translation: ALBA ROSES. Royale, medium-sized, full, rose-colored.