'Rosa sinica L.' rose References
Magazine (1858) Page(s) 406. ...The same also the case with Rosa indica L., which was introduced long before the occupation of East India from China, and, as it seems, was cultivated in many varities since time immemorial. Much later, Linné got to know a variety of this same rose with a more roundish ovary and named it R. sinica L..
Book (1820) Page(s) 107. Rosa indica Linn!..R. sinica Linn! syst. veg. ed. 13.398. Smith! in Rees in l.....It is now, perhaps too late to inquire what was really intended by Linnaeus for R. indica, since his specific character and description will agree with no species from China at present known.....The specimen which Sir James Smith considers to have been the foundation of R. sinica I have also been permitted to see, and I feel little hesitation in pronouncing it to be a monstrous state of the species before us. The stipulae are narrow, pointed and finely toothed at the edge; the prickles are straight, very slender and unequal, which may be reasonably expected on R. indica in so weak a state as this R. sinica evidently is. That name, therefore, becomes disengaged, and I have retained it for the plant which was distinguished by it in Hortus Kewensis [syn R. laevigata].
Book (1819) Page(s) 324. 17. Rosa sinica, germinibus subglobosis subglabris, pedunculis aculeatis hispidis, caule petiolisque aculeatis, foliis glaberrimis lanceolatis serratis, calycis laciniis lanceolatis subpetiolatis. Pers. Linn. syst. veget. ed. Murr. Chinesische Rose. In China einheimisch. Man kennt diefe Rofe noch nicht genau; die besondere Gestalt der Kelchzipfel zeichnet sie indeß zur Genüge aus.
Website/Catalog (1818) Page(s) 72b. ROSA sinica... [classe de Linnée] 12... [pays] Chine... [nature] ligneux... [sol] 1/3 terre franche, 2/3 terre de bruyère... [temperature] orangerie... [multiplication] boutures.
Book (1815) Page(s) 201. Classe XIV Dicotylédons. Polypétales (Etamines attachées au calice.) Ordre X. Rosacées.. I. Un seul ovaire infère; plusieurs styles; une pomme à plusieurs loges, terminée par un ombilic couronné par le calice. Rosa. Rosier. 1. Fructibus subglobosis. Fruits presque rond. sinica L. de Chine. Ligneux.
Book (1803) Page(s) 476. Rosier de la Chine, Rosa Sinica Linn. Il présente pour caractère une tige et des pétioles armés d'épines; des feuilles composées de sept folioles ovales, alongées, obtuses, dentées en scie; des pédoncules épineux et hérissés; et un calce divisé en segmens lancéolées et comme pétiolés. Ses ovaires sont d'une forme arrondie.
Book (1800) Page(s) 42. Le Rosier de la Chine. Rosa Sinica. Lin. S.V.p.509. Rosa Sinica. Mill. t.10.p.424. Rosa Sinica. Jussieu. Jardin. des pl. P. Le rosier de la Chine a des ovaires presque globuleux et glabres, des péduncules rudes et piquants, une tige et des pétioles épineux, les folioles du calice sont lanciolées et presque pétiolées.