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'Sunblaze' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 115-098
most recent 26 JAN 19 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 26 JAN 19 by Michael Garhart
Neither patent lists a miniature or any rose descending from a miniature in the breeding, so it seems likely that they accidently left out a parent somehow.
Discussion id : 37-100
most recent 9 JUN 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 9 JUN 09 by Jeff Britt
I bought a plant of Sunny Sunblaze for my mother on Mother's Day four years ago. The flowers were kind of old fashioned looking and a very pleasing yellow-apricot color. Since then, the plant has struggled along, blooming somewhat continuously, but with rarely more than one or two flowers open at any give time. The flowers would often have a large green eye in the center, presumably from too much fertilizing, but the only of her 25+ roses to do so. The plant always showed susceptibility to blackspot, but spraying kept it under control.

This year, however, blackspot simply denuded the plant which produced a pathetic spring "flush" of a few rather wretched looking flowers. It was simply too ugly to keep any longer and is now decomposing quietly in my mother's compost bin. A nice enough rose, but too shy with the flowers and highly susceptible to blackspot.
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