'P. delavayi var. angustiloba Rehder & Wilson' peony References
Article (magazine) (2001) Paeonia delavayi Franch., Bull. Bot. Soc. Fr. 33: 382 (1886)... KEY TO VARIETIES 1. Shrub more than 1 m tall (usually up to c. 1.8 m):...... 1. var. delavayi 1. Shrub or subshrub up to not more than 1 m tall:..... 2. var. angustiloba
2. var. angustiloba Rehder & Wilson in Sarg., Pl. Wilson. 1: 318 (1913). Typus: China, W Sichuan, W of Tachien-lu [Kangding], descent to Yalung River [nr. Yajiang], 3000 - 3600 m, Oct. 1908, Wilson 1333 (holotype A - n.v.). Syn. P. potaninii Komarov, Not. Syst. Herb. Hort. Petrop. 2: 7 (1921). Here belong all the low-growing plants (Ed. In the wild the normal tall clump-forming plants of P. delavayi var. delavayi are in marked contrast to the low-growing var. angustiloba. Whereas the former produces tight clumps and only occasionally suckers, the latter is often widely suckering and, on occasions, no more than 30 cm tall in flower.) of this species, attaining not more than 1 m in height. Previously they have often been regarded as a separate species, (e.g. by Stern (1946: 49-50)). The flower colour varies from dark purplish-red through yellow to white and I accordingly recognise three formas on the basis of this colour variation. The name var. angustiloba has priority in this rank, having first been published in 1913.
KEY TO FORMAS 1. Petals red or dark red to purplish-red:...... 2a. var. angustiloba f. angustiloba 1. Petals orange, yellow or white: 2 2. Petals orange or yellow:.......... 2b. var. angustiloba f. trollioides 2. Petals white:.......... 2c. var. angustiloba f. alba
Magazine (1929) Page(s) 299. P. Delavayi Franch. var. angustiloba Rehd. et Wils. in Plant. Wilson. I. Pt. 3 (1913) p. 318.- Western Szech'uan (Wilson n. 1333).
Website/Catalog (1928) Page(s) 18. Pæonia Delavayi angustiloba. Cet arbuste nouveau, introduit du Se-Tchuen par Wilson, mériterait d'être cultivé, non seulement pour l'aspect rare et inattendu de ses fleurs, mais surtout pour l'élegnce de son feuillage. Il forme une touffe de 80 centimètres, garnis de feuilles d'un beau vert, profondément et régulièrement pinnatifides, à lobes atteignant à peine un centimètre de largeur. Les fleurs, groupées par deux ou trois au sommet des tiges, un peu inclinées, larges de 5 à 6 centimètres, sont d'un bronze acajou foncéavec une touffe d'étamines dorées. La pièce: 10 fr.
[not listed in the 1929 and 1930 catalogues, but again in 1931]
Book (1917) Page(s) 227. Delavayi...Varieties: Angustiloba (narrow-leaved), finely divided leaves.