'C. graveolens Lindl.' clematis Photos
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Clematis photo courtesy of jedmar
From "Flore des serres et jardins de l'Europe", 1848, pl. 376
Courtesy of Google
Uploaded 26 SEP 23 |
Plate 548 from Flore des Serres, 1851
Uploaded 28 DEC 17 |
illustration from The Garden, 1894; scan courtesy of Biodiversity Heritage Library
Uploaded 3 JUN 20 |
illustration from Paxton's Flower Garden, 1853, p.67
Uploaded 18 NOV 17 |
illustration from The Garden, 1894; scan courtesy of Biodiversity Heritage Library
Uploaded 17 FEB 19 |
Clematis photo courtesy of jedmar
From "Curtis's Botanical Magazine", 1850, tab 4495: "Fig. 1, 2. Stamens : — magnified."
Courtesy of Biodiversity Heritage Library
Jackman states in 1872 that this is an illustration of C. oriuentalis.
Uploaded 17 NOV 16 |
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