'La Rosière' peony References
Website/Catalog (1931) Page(s) 21. Double Chinese peonies...Paeonia sinensis La Rosiere, white, cream-pink shading, 60/70 cm, June, 1,50 Marks [10] 13,50 [100] 120,--
Book (1928) Page(s) 57. A List of Fifty of the Best Inexpensive Varieties White Varieties La Rosiere (Crousse). 8.3. White. This is a striking variety. The flowers are large and produced in clusters. They are straw-yellow at the center shading to a creamy white border. The fragrance is pleasing. The flower is loose, showing yellow stamens, a band of which light up and give a yellowish cast to the entire flower.
Website/Catalog (1927) Page(s) 20. La Roserie [sic] (Crousse 1888) American Peony Society Rating of 8.3 (44 votes) White petals intersperced with golden stamens. Flat flower resembling a waterlily. Free bloomer in clusters, most attractive when all side buds are permitted to bloom. Each $1.00
Website/Catalog (1925) Page(s) 39. Paeonia sinensis...La Rosière. Cream-white...1 piece M 2.50, 100 pieces M 230.-
Website/Catalog (1921) Page(s) 30. La Rosière. White, with matte cream and pink shading, wonderful bloom...1 piece M 9.-, 100 pieces M 800.-
Book (1917) Page(s) 91. La Rosiere. Cup-shaped flower of creamy white, stamens showing in centre. Quite distinct in appearance. Crousse, 1888, Semi-double. White. Medium. Midseason. Medium height, rather spreading habit, fairly free bloomer. Garden and cutting.
Website/Catalog (Aug 1910) Page(s) 12. Variétés plus récentes...La rosière (Cr.) blanc jaunâtre.
Website/Catalog (1909) Page(s) 7. La Rosiere. Very nice flower, imbricated petals, straw-yellow center, yellowish white border, similar to a tea rose; extra...
Magazine (Jul 1907) Page(s) 270. Association horticole lyonnaise Procès-verbal de l’Assemblée générale du Dimanche 16 Juin 1907.... Examen des apports. — Sont déposés sur les tables les produits suivants : ....— Par M. Pillon, jardinier, chez M. de Bovis à Reyrieux (Ain) : quelques fleurs de Pivoines herbacées, les variétés sont : Asa Gray, Faust, Souvenir de l'Exposition du Mans, Maréchal Mac-Mahon, Carnea superba, Pierre Dessert, Madame de Govin, La Rosière, Georges Cuvier et Couronne d'or. ....A M. Pillon, pour ses Pivoines, prime de 2e classe.
Website/Catalog (1906) Page(s) 39. La Rosière. Loose rose form feathered at the tips; bloomes in clusters; cream-white with giolden stamens shininh through.