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"Mayor's Super Moss" rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 92-013
most recent 10 APR 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 10 APR 16 by Kim Rupert
It would be quite interesting to compare this to Waldtraut Nielsen.
Discussion id : 37-377
most recent 19 JUN 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 19 JUN 09 by Allison
I wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten about trying to research your West Point Super Moss--I can't study the descendants of Mousseux du Japon (or even Felicite Bohain) yet, as I'm not a premiere member. I do plan on contributing as soon as I can, I love the site and there are some wonderful features like that available. I'm disabled, though and my family of 3's only income is my disability check. Anyway, I did want you to know I have not forgotten, and I hope to become a full supporter of the site as soon as I can. Have you made any progress finding some possibilities as to the identity of your rose?
Discussion id : 36-339
most recent 14 MAY 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 MAY 09 by Allison
Cass-some possibilities:
Felicite Bohain--variously described as bright pink to paler pink--could be like yours, that fades, also has reddish moss spreading on to the edges of young leaves, smallish flowers w button eye, surrounded by folded & crinkled petals. Once-blooming.
Mousseux du Japon is also reported to have moss extending onto leaves, it's possible yours is an offspring, I will look into any known mosses bred from it.
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