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"Blackwood Inn West" rose Photos
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Rose photo courtesy of Patricia Routley
“Blackwood Inn West”. Own roots at Northcliffe, W.A. October 27, 2024. Provenance: Blackwood Inn at Mullalyup, W.A. in 2001->. Bun-S-E->. Bon-S-15/16 in 2010. Bush.
Uploaded 28 OCT
Rose photo courtesy of Patricia Routley
“Blackwood Inn West”. Own roots at Northcliffe, W.A. October 21, 2022. Provenance: Blackwood Inn at Mullalyup, W.A. In 2001->. Bun-S-E->. Bon-S-15/16 in 2010. Bush on the right. Two old roses looking a bit similar, although the bloom of “Pippies Pottery Pink”, left, is darker than the paler “Blackwood Inn West”, right. “Pippies Pottery Pink” is thought to be ‘Lady Ursula’ and “Blackwood Inn West” often brings up thoughts of ‘Catherine Mermet’ and/or its sports. “Blackwood Inn West” sets many hips. ”Pippies Pottery Pink” is reluctant to set the odd hip.
Uploaded 21 OCT 22
Rose photo courtesy of Patricia Routley
Blackwood Inn West”. Own roots at Northcliffe, W.A. Nov 3, 2022. Provenance: Blackwood Inn at Mullalyup, W.A. In 2001->. Bun-S-E->. Bon-S-15/16 in 2010. Buds.
Uploaded 3 NOV 22
Rose photo courtesy of Patricia Routley
“Blackwood Inn West”. Own roots at Northcliffe, W.A. October 24, 2021. Provenance: Blackwood Inn at Mullalyup, W.A. In 2001->. Bun-S-E->. Bon-S-15/16 in 2010. Bush.
Uploaded 9 DEC 21
Rose photo courtesy of Patricia Routley
Blackwood Inn West”. Own roots at Northcliffe, W.A. Nov 3, 2022. Provenance: Blackwood Inn at Mullalyup, W.A. In 2001->. Bun-S-E->. Bon-S-15/16 in 2010. Blooms.
Uploaded 3 NOV 22
Rose photo courtesy of petera
Almost white this spring. This is its 4th season. It is a vigorous, good garden plant. Initially the flower stems were weak so the flowers drooped in a typical EHT way. Over the years they have become stronger and the flowers are usually upright. There is a little bit of mildew on it at the moment but it is usually very healthy. Mount Macedon, Australia. Plant from John Nieuwesteeg.
Uploaded 18 NOV 20
Rose photo courtesy of Patricia Routley
“Blackwood Inn West”. Own roots at Northcliffe, W.A. October 21, 2022. Provenance: Blackwood Inn at Mullalyup, W.A. In 2001->. Bun-S-E->. Bon-S-15/16 in 2010. Blooms and bud
Uploaded 21 OCT 22
Rose photo courtesy of petera
Almost white this spring. This is its 4th season. It is a vigorous, good garden plant. Initially the flower stems were weak so the flowers drooped in a typical EHT way. Over the years they have become stronger and the flowers are usually upright. There is a little bit of mildew on it at the moment but it is usually very healthy. Mount Macedon, Australia. Plant from John Nieuwesteeg.
1 favorite vote.  
Uploaded 18 NOV 20
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