'Blauwestad' rose Reviews & Comments
According to this website http://natuur-onder-de-loep.clubs.nl/nieuws/detail/557708_rozentuin-in-winschoten
the parentage of Blauwe Stad is: Amber Flush x Rhapsody in Blue.
#1 of 2 posted
13 OCT 13 by
Thank you, I can imagine that this crossing was of interest to Ilsink.
#2 of 2 posted
13 OCT 13 by
But according to that same website, nursery Belle Epoque is assumed to be the creator/breeder... Instead of Interplant! To be sure about the parentage, I think Interplant has to be asked themselves. The rose 'Blauwe Stad' is named after a prestigious project near Winschoten (Rosarium) to create a large lake with a new town located at its banks. See: https://maps.google.nl/maps?q=blauwestad&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x47b7cd3668e78c8d:0x46459c2fc6da4816,Blauwestad&gl=nl&ei=bG1aUua0EqTm7AaEoYGoAg&sqi=2&ved=0CKYBELYDMBE and other info. The prestigious project failed mostly, partially due to the worldwide recession and also, because the project was too ambitious for that part of The Netherlands.