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'Xiang Fen Lian' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 107-103
most recent 24 DEC 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 22 DEC 17 by Patricia Routley
Responding further to Belmont's photo.
Because of the Note on the proposed i.d. of 'Souvenir d'Elise Vardon' and the Comments in that (SdEV) file, it would be interesting to have clear photos of the pedicel showing glands, or smoothness, as the case may be.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 23 DEC 17 by Belmont
I'll work on better photos. This is growing at my mother's house in California so that wont' be until spring.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 24 DEC 17 by Patricia Routley
I am not sure if the roses in the last line are relevant.

2010, June. World Rose News.
p45. Investigating and Breeding Prospects of Chinese Old Roses. Ye kang, Hu Yong-hong, Jiang Chang-hua, Li Jian (Shanghai Botanic Garden, Shanghai)
Rose breeders at home and abroad felt that to make a breakthrough in modern rose breeding, the elite germplasm of Chinese old roses must be further explored and incorporated. New rose varieties abroad have shown the limited nature of adaptability and disease susceptibility need the strengths of China’s ancient roses. The limited adaptability and disease susceptibility of foreign rose cultivars are simply the advantages of the Chinese old roses. Furthermore, the Chinese old roses include rich cultivars with more petals, and some are fragrant. These are the rose breeding goals focusing on internal quality. Therefore, breeders increasingly value the collection and utilisation of the old rose. The China Rose Society has organised experts to collect, identify and preserve the cultivars scattered in home gardens around the countryside, and made a preliminary determination of eight rose centres in Huaiyin (Jiangsu Province), Laizhou (Shandong Province), Zhengzhou (Henan Province), etc. More than 50 old rose cultivars like Lv e were ex situ conserved and some old rose cultivars such as Ruan xiang hong, Jin fen lian, and Fen he xiang were successfully used for the improvement of new rose cultivars.
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