'KO 99/0224-03' rose Reviews & Comments
Ruby Ice has great black spot resistance in DFW area. But don't believe the size estimates. This rose gets HUGE in Texas. Mine is 7 foot by 6 foot. - grown in a 3 foot by 3 foot pot.
Very susceptible to rust!
Received this rose today. Definitely see some miniature traits in the plant, despite it being a shrub.
Edit: Kinda regret getting this rose. Already had Take It Easy, and TIE is better here. Ruby Ice is quite floppy, and the clusters are very heavy. Foliage seems okay, and the individual blooms are super cute. The sprays are so large, and the stems so long, that it just flops. Also, the petal face color is rarely a definitive red. Kind of a dusty strawberry color. Vigor is good.
It isn't a horrible rose, but it has some major architecture issues.
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30 NOV 21 by
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Available from - Chamblee Roses https://www.chambleeroses.com/catalog/roses/shrub-roses/?page=2