'Tom Wood' rose References
Book (Nov 1994) Page(s) 148. Tom Wood Hybrid Perpetual. Dickson (Newtownards, UK) 1896. Description... cherry red, fading paler...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 609. Tom Wood Hybrid Perpetual, cherry-red, 1896, Dickson, A. Description.
Website/Catalog (1960) Page(s) 18. Rosiers Hybrides Remontants de petite végétation.... TOM WOOD (Dickson 1896). Rouge cerise, très florifère, en coupe. O[dorante].
Website/Catalog (1946) Page(s) 26. Rosiers Hybrides Remontants formant hauts buissons .... TOM WOOD (Dickson 1896). Fleur rouge cerise, très florifère, très grande, en coupe.
Book (1936) Page(s) 762. Wood, Tom (HP) A. Dickson 1896; cherry-red, fades to pale red, very large, double, cup form, fine form, large petals, floriferous, repeats, growth 7/10, upright, 1 m. Sangerhausen
Website/Catalog (1913) Page(s) 26. Hybrid Perpetual Roses. Tom Wood A fine, vigorous Rose of Irish origin; one that has attracted considerable attention ever since its introduction in 1896. The fragrant blossoms are large, full and perfectly formed; cherry-red in color. A variety conspicuous among other Roses by reason of its many points of perfection. Though not listed among the newer sorts, it is worthy of a place among the elect, for it is a healthy, robust grower and hardy enough to withstand the most cruel neglect.
Magazine (19 Aug 1911) Page(s) 404. The Parentage of Roses. The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it... Tom Wood... Hybrid Perpetual, A. Dickson, 1896, Triomphe de l'Exposition race
Website/Catalog (1911) Page(s) 26. Hybrid Perpetual Roses. Tom Wood. Bright cherry red, blooms of good form.
Book (1910) Page(s) 295. Tom Wood Hybrid Perpetual... flowers cherry red, large shell-shaped petals of great substance; growth vigorous.
Magazine (15 Feb 1908) Page(s) 677. Includes photo(s). Free-flowering Hybrid Perpetual Roses. ... there is a goodly number of sorts which yield really grand quantities of blossom well into September and October. The illustration of Tom Wood is a reminder of a very beautiful variety that should find a foremost place among free-blooming Hybrid Perpetuals. To obtain such a flower as is here depicted in fairly large numbers, both in summer and autumn, is surely an inducement to grow such sorts. The colour is a pleasing cherry-red, flowers not extra-large, but of a most perfect form, and abundantly produced. Probably, it is a seedling from another well-known sort- Ulrich Brunner.