'KO 01/1405-01' rose References
Book (2015) Page(s) 61. Includes photo(s). Winter Sun KORbatam....NRTGA Awards. Exhibited by Treloar Roses Australia
Website/Catalog (2014) Bed No: 233 Award: Bronze Medal Trophy: Hamilton Gardens NZ Perpetual Challenge Award for the Best Hybrid Tea Rose of the Trial Code: KORbatam Name: Winter Sun Category: Hybrid Tea Fragrance: Moderate Breeder: W. Kordes' Söhne (Germany) Exhibitor: Treloar Roses (Australia)
Website/Catalog (2014) Page(s) 39. Winter Sun (Korbatam) Classic shaped blooms of light yellow and the ability to flower deep into winter gave this rose its name 'Winter Sun'. A high resistance to blackspot allows the neat, chest high bush to remain clothed in glossy green foliage. The excellent attributes of Winter Sun qualify for its addition to the 'Eleganza' series, where the most elegant and healthy hybrid tea roses are combined. A lovely soft fragrance put the finishing touches to what is very close to an ideal modern rose. 1.2m tall