'MEIpluvia' rose Description
Photo courtesy of Bug_girl
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Floribunda, Floribunda, Cl..
Salmon-orange. 60 to 80 petals. Average diameter 3.25". Medium, very full (41+ petals), borne mostly solitary, in small clusters, cupped, old-fashioned bloom form. Continuous (perpetual) bloom throughout the season. Rounded buds.
Bushy, compact. Glossy, medium green foliage. 3 to 7 leaflets.
Height: 3' (90cm). Width: 2' (60cm).
Can be used for beds and borders, container rose or garden. Requires full sun for best color. Disease susceptibility: disease resistant.
United States - Patent No: PP 22,793 on 19 Jun 2012 VIEW USPTO PATENTApplication No: 12/591,387 on 18 Nov 2009 Inventors: Meilland; Alain A. (Antibes, FR)
The female parent (i.e., the seed parent) was the ‘Macivy’ variety (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 8,362). The male parent (i.e., the pollen parent) was the ‘Meijulita’ variety (unpatented in the United States). .. The rose plants of the new variety were approximately two years of age and were observed during July while budded on Rosa laxa understock and growing outdoors at Le Cannet des Maures, Var, France.
Participant in the 2010 alterarosa show