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'ShowOff ™' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 94-816
most recent 7 SEP 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 SEP 16 by Give me caffeine
Hmm. This rose looks ok, but it's not a patch on the original. I think she'd be within her rights to be a bit cheesed off about this one being named after her.
Discussion id : 75-806
most recent 31 DEC 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 31 DEC 13 by Renato Emma
Rosa a cespuglio Ibrido di Tea, a portamento vigoroso/eretto, ben ramificato. Fogliame denso, grande, verde opaco, rosso bronzeo da giovane. Fiori grandi, a gambo lungo, rosso-carminio sopra, rovescio bianco-crema, solitari. Fragranza intensa, un mix di anice, chiodi di garofano e pepe. Resistente a malattie. Rifiorente. H.90cm L.65cm
(ROSACEAE) (Meilland International, Francia, 2010)
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