'Vogelpark Walsrode ™' rose References
Magazine (Nov 2006) Page(s) 48. Registration 'Korlomet', S, lp, 2006 (Vogelpark Walsrode®) ...description
Book (2000) Page(s) 616. Includes photo(s). ‘Vogelpark Walsrode’ /KORlomet / ‘Kookaburra’ = Moderne – Arbuste – rose pâle, remontant. Trouvant le nom de ce rosier compliqué, et s’avisant qu’il y était question d’oiseau (Vogel), un rosiériste australien l’a rebaptisé ‘Kookaburra’, nom d’un grand martin-pêcheur de sa contrée. Kordes, Allemagne, 1991. Ascendance inconnue. Anerkannte Deutsche Rose 1989.
Book (1999) Page(s) 222. Includes photo(s). Vogelpark Walsrode® Shrub. Kordes 1988... rose... [one of the 200 roses the author recommends]
Website/Catalog (31 Dec 1998) Page(s) 24. Includes photo(s).
Book (1995) Page(s) 75. Ross Heathcote, New Roses in Victoria. Kookaburra (90): Healthy growth with long arching canes; large clusters of blooms beginning pale pink then fading to white. Exposed to wind and copes very well. (1 report)
Book (1992) Page(s) 34. Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW. Some of the Newer Roses in 1991 and 1992. Kookaburra shrub or small climber, canes up to about 2 metres. Bearing flowers up to about 10cm across, soft pink wavy petals, repeat flowering (we have changed the name from Kordes vogel Park-Walstrode).