'C. 'Amalia'' clematis References
Magazine (1877) Page(s) 261, 266. p. 261: Cl. pat. Amalia. — Fl. des Serres, X, 203.
p. 266: Clematis Amalia(Siebold); bleu.
Book (1872) Page(s) 81-2. Descriptive Notes of Species & Varieties. C. Amalia, Siebold. — A slender-growing variety of the patens group, furnished with ternate leaves, the leaflets of which are ovate and entire. The large star-shaped flowers, five to six inches across, are borne singly on the peduncles, and are composed of six or occasionally more (seven to nine) oblong-lanceolate sepals, which are narrowish towards the base, and broadest above the middle; the colour is a very light bluish lilac, paler towards the base of the sepals, the stamens being also of a lilac hue. The plant is of Japanese origin, and was introduced by Dr. Von Siebold; it is figured in the Flore des Serres (x., t. 1051), but with the sepals narrower than in the natural flower.
Magazine (7 Sep 1867) Page(s) 926. "Climbing Plants" by William Paul. ...The following are amongst the best of climbing plants, selected for the rapidity of their growth or the beauty of their flowers: they lose their leaves on the approach of winter: Clematis Amelia. — Flowers lilac blush. This variety is very hardy, flowers freely, and grows rapidly.
Website/Catalog (1867) Page(s) 21. Clematis patens Amalia Sieb. - Pétales bleus, étamines jaunes ...2 Francs
Website/Catalog (Aug 1866) Page(s) 2. Clematis Amalia...1 Thaler
Website/Catalog (Aug 1866) Page(s) 31. Clematis Amalia...6 Groschen
Magazine (May 1865) Page(s) 144. C. PATENS, Dcne. ...Variétés : Amelia. Sépales bleu-lilas pâle; élamines jaunes.
Book (28 Dec 1861) Page(s) 4. Clematis patens Amalie 10 Silbergroschen 50 Kreutzer
Magazine (Jul 1860) Page(s) tab 254. On sait que la Clematis patens type et quelques-unes de ses varietes, Amelia, Sophia, Helena, Anna, monstrosa, etc., out ete introduces directement du Japon, leur patrie, par M. Siebold, soit a son retour du Japon, en 1830, soit par son initiative, soit enfin par M. Textor, collecteur de la Société royale néerlandaise, pour l'encouragement de l'horticulture dans le royaume des Pays-Bas.
Magazine (1 Jun 1858) Page(s) 282. L'Exposition de la Société impériale et centrale d'Horticulture, ouverte le 12 mai et se prolongeant jusqu'au 27 ... M. Lemoine, horticulteur à Nancy.... Ses Statice Halfordii et arborescens, ses Clematis pallida, aux larges pétales, ses variétés du Clematis patens, Amalia, montruosa et Sophia forcent les yeux de s'y arrêter