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Grown from op seed labeled as BCG-2 and BCG-1 sent to me by Peter Harris around 2010. One plant has purple flowers and the other has white flowers. They are once blooming and crown hardy in zone 3 Canada. Few thorns few if any hips.
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May 18, 2011, in Charleston, West Virginia. BCG2 is the dark pink rose on the left of the picture, behind Katie and Don Holeman.
Uploaded 12 NOV 11 |
Grown from op seed labeled as BCG-2 and BCG-1 sent to me by Peter Harris around 2010. One plant has purple flowers and the other has white flowers. They are once blooming and crown hardy in zone 3 Canada. Few thorns few if any hips.
Uploaded yesterday |
May 17, 2009 in Charleston, West Virginia
Uploaded 12 NOV 11 |
May 18, 2008, in Charleston, WV
Uploaded 12 NOV 11 |
Newly budded, My Garden, Rancho Mirage, CA 10-25-11
Uploaded 12 NOV 11 |
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