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'Yellow Talisman' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 49-521
most recent 14 AUG 13 SHOW ALL
Initial post 8 NOV 10 by a_carl76
Anyone know how distinctively yellow this is from the original Talisman. I think my version was either sent as a mistatke (Talisman and not Yellow Talisman) or has reverted back to the original. I notice some orange tints remaining in the few pohtos I've seen. Mine clearly has more orange. Great old rose though. And I'll keep it regardless of what it ends up being.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 14 AUG 13 by Dianne's Southwest Idaho Rose Garden
Mine had a bloom today that looked like Talisman, which I also grow. I'm assuming it reverted, so perhaps yours did too.
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