'O/18/89' rose Reviews & Comments
I am surprised by the negative reviews here. In my North Texas garden this rose is one of the most floriferous, 2 years old not huge, wider than taller (3ft wide, 2 ft tall) but does not shoot octopus canes and is easy to keep in shape. Blooms all the time and doesn’t fry or fade in our 100F heat. The scent is amazing even in the heat (for me at least). Some black spot but very little only on some lower leaves, really I don’t even count that, compared to some other Austins (or other roses in general). I am just looking at her and really cannot admire her more. Mine is ownroot, on full sun.
This is one magnificent rose.. I can't relate to negative comments about it elsewhere... I've tried about 60 Austins down the years and this is in my top 5... prolific continuous bloom is correct, the scent is nearly always there, very strong if you like this type of scent... and never outgrows its welcome... about 5 and half foot by 4 foot.. supported by obelisk... a most graceful, floriferous rose that's a joy to see from any window or close up... also most photogenic.. the flowers open up eventually to reveal the stamens much loved by bees and hoverflies...
Health is pretty good... just a touch of blackspot here and there.. nothing else... what more can I say?...
Maybe it needs a temperate to cool climate. For me, in CA, it grew like Jack's beanstalk in every possible direction except underground. In a climate where, if I wanted a rampant bush or climber, I could have a Noisette, 'Sceptered Isle' didn't do much for me and did not flower enough to justify the space it took.
I'm sorry it doesn't do well in your location... these days I like to choose what I feel sure will suit my garden...
I can well believe that a smaller bush with more profuse flowering than I saw, SI would be lovely.
#4 of 4 posted
19 JAN 22 by
Should I let Scepter'd Isle grow like a shrub with multiple branches growing up in the middle of the bush or prune it into the classic vase shape? I'm in Florida and grow it in a large pot because of nematodes.
Ce nom vient du discours de John of Gaunts, dans le Richard II de Shakespeare
Would Scepter'd Isle benefit from pegging? How much room do you think she would need? Thank you for any advice!