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'Geffel' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 133-433
most recent 22 JUN 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 22 JUN 22 by Hamanasu
27 decrees C, clear skies, no wind and the strong grapefruit scent of Geffel is not at all eclipsed by the pure lemonade notes of a newly opened bud on Jude the Obscure (I'm looking forward to the fragrance of the latter showing a bit more complexity, actually).
Discussion id : 132-990
most recent 24 MAY 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 23 MAY 22 by Hamanasu
"Un ibrido di Tea dai grossi fiori rosa chiaro, pieni, regolari e dal forte profumo di frutta. Questa varietà pressochè sconosciuta ha una crescita robusta, sana ed affidabile e sembra non temere i climi caldi. Consigliata per bordure e bouquet profumati. Cm 90×70."
From the website of Italian rose nursery Novaspina.
Translation: A hybrid tea with large, full, symmetrical, light-pink flowers, strongly fruit-scented. This virtually unknown variety is a vigorous, healthy, reliable grower and does not mind hot climates. Recommended for the border and for scented flower arrangements'
Reply #1 of 3 posted 23 MAY 22 by Patricia Routley
Thank you. Reference added.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 24 MAY 22 by Hamanasu
A facebook post by Vivai Baldix (a small Italian nursery) has captioned a photo of this rose with a line to the effect that the variety dates from the 1970s. If I find corroboration I will let you know.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 24 MAY 22 by Patricia Routley
Thank you. In the meantime I have added a circa 1975 date.
Discussion id : 72-488
most recent 22 JUN 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 21 JUN 13 by Cà Berta
According to the label of the rose in Roseto Botanico “Carla Fineschi” and to Rolando Zandri, who collaborated with Pironti in breeding his roses, the correct name should be Geffel. The name is the fusion of the parents’ names ( GIOIA X EIFFEL TOWER ). The name Gessel reported in Encyclopedia of Rose Science (2000) and in Modern Roses 11 (2003) was copied from a typo present in the Catalogue of the Roseto (2000).
Reply #1 of 1 posted 22 JUN 13 by jedmar
Thank you for the clarification!
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