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'Superba' rose References
Book  (2014)  Page(s) 50.  
"La Superba", HT, Mansuino, Medaglia d'Oro cat. HT, 1970, Monza......Double flowers, light fuchsia pink with evident golden stamens, cupped, double, in clusters, with a slight fragrance. Late flowering.
Book  (1981)  Page(s) 116.  
Apart from the typical Miniatures, Quinto Mansuino with the help of his nephews Ada and Michele, raised: 'Aida', 'Red Flare', both patented in the USA; 'Purezza', a Banksiae hybrid which won the Rome Gold Medal 1960; 'Epoca', 'Superba', 'Rubino' and many others.
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