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'Big Ben' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 13-246
most recent 9 OCT 08 SHOW ALL
Initial post 13 JUL 06 by thor203
For Big Ben It is not known how this rose, which came from the English firm Gandy's roses in1964, looks in a warm climate, but in the cool summer it looked outstanding. The blooms were of perfect, velvety crimson, and very fragrant indeed, as one would expect. Foliage is mid-green. Ena Harkness X Charles Mallerin Repeat flowering,  Fragrant.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 9 OCT 08 by Lucretia
My family had this rose some 30-odd years ago in Miami, Florida. It was grown in sand and neglected, and still produced fabulous classic red blooms. It was THE red tea rose to grow for us.
Discussion id : 9-592
most recent 14 SEP 05 SHOW ALL
Initial post 15 JUL 05 by Diana H. Gould
This is a question for RUSTY:
Could you please tell me the petal count on BIG BEN? I have rescued a rose bush that I THINK may be Big Ben. The bloom conforms to HMF photos, it's fragrance is to die for, it was purchased as a budded rose from local nurseries in 1966 when Big Ben was available. My rose is NOT Mister Lincoln as I have this and compared my questionable Big Ben to the Mister Lincoln bloom. It is always a struggle to identify unknown roses, and I could REALLY USE THE INPUT from a grower of Big Ben. Thank you very much. Please email me at Thank you very much.
Reply #1 of 5 posted 13 SEP 05 by Unregistered Guest
I have just discovered a beautiful, fragrant, deep red brother to Mr. Lincoln, Oklahoma, also introduced in 1964. That may be what you have.
Reply #3 of 5 posted 14 SEP 05 by Diana H. Gould
Thank you so much for replying, but I have OKLAHOMA, and my mystery rose is NOT Oklahoma.
Reply #2 of 5 posted 13 SEP 05 by Unregistered Guest
...or check Red Masterpiece introduced in 1974 by Warriner; it appears so have similar attributes to Mr. Lincoln and Oklahoma.
Reply #4 of 5 posted 14 SEP 05 by Diana H. Gould
Thank you so very much for your reply, but I have RED MASTERPIECE, and this mystery rose is NOT Red Masterpiece. My mystery bush was planted in 1966 in a dedicated garden. Thank you very much. Diana
Reply #5 of 5 posted 14 SEP 05 by HMF Admin
I'll take roses for 800 Alex...

Our thanks to everyone out there contributing to HelpMefind. Sharing expertise and knowledge has always been what HMF is about. Now if we could just figure out what this rose is ...
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