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'Look-A-Likes® BougainFeelYa' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 83-443
most recent 3 SEP 15 SHOW ALL
Initial post 27 FEB 15 by Michael Garhart
NOAcas x seedling. Source:,d.cWc

Also contains Tahitian Treasure.
Reply #1 of 6 posted 27 FEB 15 by Patricia Routley
Thanks Michael. Gorgeous name 'BougainFeelYa'. Wonder if it is prickly.
Reply #2 of 6 posted 27 FEB 15 by Michael Garhart
lol! Nah, I saw it in person last year. It was a simple landscape shrub type. Kinda glossy. These names though. They're someone has a mouthful of food and they are trying to speak. Too much going on. Try telling a friend, "You should get such and such rose." Yeah, it will not work in this scenario. They will say, "WHAT?"

I get the concept they are going for. I get it. You get it. This is our world. The public will not care. And a landscape rose. A landscaper does not have the time, and often the patience, to pick over words. They will say, "'Knock Out', 'Flower Carpet', 'Bonica' .... the red one, yeah. That will work for this job."
Reply #3 of 6 posted 2 SEP 15 by goncmg
I did a double take over this hideous name. Worst rose name EVER. The name is so deplorable I would not buy this rose. Hydrangealicious is just as bad.
Reply #4 of 6 posted 2 SEP 15 by Michael Garhart
It is too bad. I am with you on the names. They seem like a good set of roses too. I even like the company, Star Roses. But some of their names have me... uninterested and agitated. I also typically do not like names that are gender-geared, about polarizing celebrity names, or unpronounceable names. It is just too much, and it detracts from the garden.
Reply #5 of 6 posted 2 SEP 15 by goncmg
I think the rose Chris Everett is lovely. I will not grow it because I do not want to think of tennis, People magazine covers circa 1980, or athletic shoe ads when I walk in my yard. Rosie O'Donnell. No.
Reply #6 of 6 posted 3 SEP 15 by styrax
It looks like the keyboard threw up!
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