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'Aalsmeer Gold ®' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 21-162
most recent 1 SEP 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 1 SEP 07 by John Moody
I have two questions.
What type of rose is this Aalsmeer Gold?? I have seen it listed as floribunda half of the time and as a hybrid tea the other half of the time. Could it be that it is actually a grandiflora that has the bloom form of the hybrid tea and the cluster/spray tendency of the floribunda??

Secondly, can this rose be found for sale here in the USA??
Reply #1 of 1 posted 1 SEP 07 by Cass
John, click on the BUY FROM tab to find a list of sellers. If you use the pull-down menu to select "All Countries" you can see suppliers world wide. By checking each supplier's description, maybe you will be able to answer the question for HMF.

The Kordes florist rose site describes it as a cut rose variety with medium flowers, and it is also listed as a spray rose along with Pepita, White Bouquet and Pink Bouquet.
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