'Soul ®' rose Reviews & Comments
This rose was issued an ADR designation in 2014. Said to be 100% immune to fungal disease and winter hardy too zone 5. Incredibly beautiful and can only hope it finds its way too America. I'm unaware of how many black spot races a rose is exposed to during ADR testing. I will say that of the ADR roses that are in my garden. They have had excellent health and performance.
I've had this rose for one (wet and disease-friendly) growing season in Sweden so far and it has unfortunately failed to live up to the 100% disease resistance statement in my climate. While resistance against black spot and powdery mildew has been very good, it has been susceptible to rust and also stem canker (possibly downy mildew as shown on the attached picture)...
#2 of 6 posted
31 DEC 15 by
The same spots, I saw on Home Run and I uploaded some photo's of it at the comment for that rose recently.
Yeah, it comes from Knock Out. But in all honesty, it has never bothered me. Only us plant geeks stare at stems in the winter.
#4 of 6 posted
18 JUL 16 by
The leaves get the same fungus too, fall off, the plants deteriorate and or die.
Hmm, interesting. The stems with those spots here don't defoliate. Just the stem disfiguration begins in September and continues until January.
#6 of 6 posted
18 JUL 16 by
Not only the stems defoliate during the season, next season, those stems die and the plants have to make new-ones like mad from scratch... and the whole cycle continues, till death(of that rose) do us part.