"William Anderson" rose References
Magazine (2015) Page(s) Vol 37. No. 3. Includes photo(s). p27. Hillary Merrifield, Billy West and Lynne Chapman. Renmark Repository April 2015. "Peace's Perfect White" A38. "William Anderson" seemed to be the same rose and both have similarities with 'White Maman Cochet' B16. All three are young plants of different vigour and need to be observed over time to see if there are any differences.
p28. "William Anderson" A49, A77. Flowers seem to be the same as "Peace's Perfect White".
p29. "William Anderson" (photo Hillary)
Magazine (2003) Heritage Roses in Australia Inc. Seventh National Conference 2003, Hay, NSW. Proceedings. p20. Identified Rookwood Cemetery roses [include] ‘White Maman Cochet’ (bush) and ‘White Maman Cochet Cl.’
Book (1983) Page(s) 73. Includes photo(s). Photo of bush. [Caption:] Tea roses – Rookwood