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'Crazy Spire' rose References
Website/Catalog  (30 Sep 2014)  
Name: 'Philatelie'
ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Philatelie
HT, rb, McGredy, Sam IV; flowers red and white striped, dbl., high-centered, borne singly and in clusters; foliage dark green; compact (70-80 cm.) growth. Introductions: Rosen-Union, 2000, Germany
Website/Catalog  (29 Sep 2014)  
Name: Crazy Spire®
Synonyms: 'Maccastlet'
ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Crazy Spire®
HT, or, McGredy, Sam IV; flowers striped and spotted orange-red and yellow, dbl., high-centered, no fragrance; recurrent ; growth upright and slightly arching, 6 ft. Introductions: 1995
Booklet  (2008)  
Seedling Books NZ 1986-End. 1992-1993 p25
1989. 1067 Castletown MACcastlet (Tournament of Roses x Port Ludlow)
SP, ED, DV, JP, WEKS, KEN '92. ROON [illeg] SW '93. De Vor.
Booklet  (2008)  
An Information List of all Varieties. p8
2001. Philatelie - Maccastlet. Nicknamed Castletown.
Book  (2007)  Page(s) 388.  
Philatelie, HT, rb, McGredy, introduced by Rosen-Union in 2000, no parentage reported
Book  (2002)  Page(s) 66.  
Crazy Spire HT. orange blend (striped) 1995. MR11. [available from LL 12 - Ludwig's Rose Farm, South Africa]
Book  (2002)  Page(s) 170.  
Philatelie HT rb (*striped). McGredy int 2000 NR - EE2 [Erica International Ltd., Bulgaria]; HH7 [Richard Huber AG, Switzerland]; RR9 [Rosen-Union, Germany].
Book  (1997)  Page(s) 54.  
Peter Elliott. New Zealand International Rose Trial Ground. Trial 26. 1994-1996.
No. 94.2030. 66.6 points. HT. MACcastlet. McGredy. Agent: Egmont. Cream/red.
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