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'MACcastlet' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 101-133
most recent 21 JUN 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 21 JUN 17 by Michael Garhart
Palatine sent this to me, instead of the correct 'Brocéliande'. I knew it was wrong as it matured, because Bro has rather linear foliage. The blooms opened, and it was 100% obvious to be 'Philatelie'. The unique color and low scent sealed the deal. So now I'm reviewing a rose I didn't plan on reviewing.

The good: Very consistent stripes. Mostly rain resistant in the PNW. Good vigor. Not too many prickles. A lot of blooms. Huge bloom sprays. Seemed to tolerate our 2 freeze storms in Early 2017. Seems to tolerate heat compared to most 'Auckland Metro' descendants.

The bad: HUGE leaves, floppy foliage. Irregular spray shapes. Buds break off easily. Flowers come in all different shapes and sizes.

It'd be a great rose, if it wasn't so mis-shapen. Will try to remember to report on blackspot. Mildew, rust, anthracnose, stem blights, and cercospora seem unlikely at this point.

2/7/2018: Black spot is same as Tournament of Roses. Meaning, bottom half defoliates, top half is fine. I'm composting the rose this week. I think its just too floppy and I dislike the color. I think Parade Day, which also blooms is candelabras, is far superior in my garden.
Discussion id : 75-446
most recent 8 DEC 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 DEC 13 by Dianne's Southwest Idaho Rose Garden
Beautiful rose, but an aphid magnet.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 8 DEC 13 by HMF Admin
Good to know, thanks.
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