'Pretty Lady' rose Reviews & Comments
Available from - High Country Roses highcountryroses.com
My own-root Pretty Lady rose has INTENSE strong carnation scent in alkaline clay. One bloom perfumes the entire room. I was eating dinner and had to moved that one bloom of Pretty Lady rose elsewhere, since the room smelled like a spilled bottle of perfume. The scent is very intense with MG-Soluble for roses NPK 18-24-16.
I cant even keep fragrant roses inside. I put one in, next day I wake up with red allergy eyes. Those fragrance oils really fill up the air!
Available from - Stargazer Perennials http://www.stargazerperennials.com/home.html
It's overall an alright rose... Looks kind of awkward as it blooms in clusters on top, maybe it is wrongly categorized as a hybrid tea?? No fragrance to speak of which is disappointing as it was labeled as "moderately strong". It can look red sometimes. A healthy rose, but if I knew it was not fragrant I wouldn't have bought it.