'WEKmopaga' rose Reviews & Comments
Available from - High Country Roses highcountryroses.com
I do not think I'm going to buy this rose. Not much excited after seeing real blooms in Regan Nursery, CA. It's just like mini-flora but shallow, color is not deep as picture on advertisement.
Maybe its color gets hues in the autumn?
Overall, Weeks seems to have an honest catalog, but this rose looks nothing like their promotion photo. I had to check the rose code to make sure it was the same rose.
The ones I eventually saw in person, looked like bluebuster's photos.
It was essentially 'Coretta Scott King' in bicolor tones. It was pretty. Maybe a good alternative to 'Love'.
It is pretty. It's just different from the photo pictured in the 2016 Weeks Catalog, which is a fiery red. Their written description is accurate though, "Dark orange overlaid with purple smoke with white reverse".
Odd things happen to rose colors in the hot CA sun. I once saw a row of 'Lady Emma Hamilton' in a CA nursery which had faded to a most unappealing beige.
The name 'Moonstone' appears in the description of this cultivar. What does 'Moonstone' have to do with this rose?
Moonstone is one of the parents. As per the Week's 2016 catalog, the lineage is Moonstone X Paul Gauguin.
I'm glad I didnt buy it, then. Both parents defoliate here... (without spray)
It blooms totally no influerence with moonstone but foliage. Blooms are only look alike in catalogue under special care or nice weather. In garden setting more like floribunda blooms with single stem. Lower petals, most nursery in California available to purchase this rose but i skipped it, I rather bought miss congeniality which is more attractive grandiflora
Miss C looked great at the nurseries this season. Very full, fat, colorful thing. Smokin Hot had hanging blooms. Weak necks, like its probable grandparent, Maestro.
This rose can be seen from a long distance, but the flowers are not really that large. I would recommend this rose to people that love bright color and don't mind the negatives.
#10 of 10 posted
10 APR 22 by
I guess from the comments here, that this rose performs different under different conditions. I have a no spray garden in zone 9B with low humidity. This rose only gets watered when we clean the pool. It does great. It has huge blooms and great upright stems with vibrant green leaves.
I recently picked up this rose from a local nursery carrying Weeks Roses. I didn't have any interest in the rose from the promo photos I'd seen last year from Weeks and had only visited the nursery last year before the plants were in bloom. However, when at the nursery a couple of weeks ago and seeing the roses in bloom, I stopped and thought, "What a gorgeous and interesting rose!" To my surprise when checking out the tag, it was Smokin' Hot. In a way, the coloring of the orange is more in the vein of Tropicana to me. The "purple smoke" overlay isn't that strong, and I think describing it with a purple smokey overlay is a detriment to the rose. What IS interesting is that it has this vibrant, but unique, orange with a white reverse and white eye. If you judge it more like as if you crossed Tropicana with Love, you'll appreciate it more...I think. The blooms aren't that large, again reminding me of Love. The scent is light, but the blooms are very eye catching. We will see how it does in the Houston heat and humidity.
April 2017 Update: It's not even that hot yet, and the blooms on Smokin' Hot fry and get crispy already. The bush has been VERY vigorous, but the poor flowers don't take the heat at all. It actually may be the worst rose I have about getting fried in the sun. It's worse that Twilight Zone and as bad or worse than Flirtatious. But, it's such a pretty color when it hasn't been scorched!
1/10/19 Update: Very vigorous reaching almost 7 1/2 feet here in Houston. Kept pumping out flowers even in the worst heat even though they don't do well in the heat. A stunner in the spring and fall. I'd call hybrid tea a stretch as the flowers are a little on the small side for that IMO, but an outstanding rose.
#1 of 1 posted
10 APR 22 by
The blooms on My Smokin' Hot are huge. We get as hot as you but we have very low humidity. The blooms do great in 100+ degree heat. We had an early day with 95 degree heat and they did fine. The leaves are shiny and disease free here.
Available from - Smokin' Hot http://www.edmundsroses.com/dp.asp?pID=24208&c=6&p=Smokin%27+Hot+Hybrid+Tea+Rose